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Reflection on President Noynoy Aquino's 1st SONA

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Pnoy’s first SONA was rather factual than based on vision. He declared promises that are achievable not those that are almost impossible. It’s okay to me when he uttered the filth of the previous administration because he is trying to identify the problems or setbacks of our government and in that way we could solve them. Without knowing or identifying the problems we cannot solve or give solution to them. One of the best phrases that he told in his SONA was, “Let’s step from being a protester to being a contributor because protesters complain endlessly while contributors take part in the solution of our problems.” There’s a lot of truth to this quotation. Because of this, other countries prospered like Japan & China. To help one another & stop pulling each other out is the best way for a country to develop. If the people have high esteem then so is the country. Some say that there is no hope here in the Philippines & there are others who believe that we can never change our attitudes. Even some of our own Filipino fellowmen believes that, but to know that these are not that outdated ideals of a bygone era, but the mortar that holds together the foundation upon which we must build a nation is the first step towards prosperity. As Martin Luther King, Jr. clearly stated in one his speeches, “Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

Let’s eradicate ‘crab mentality’ in our system and let’s start helping each other out. That is what PNoy wants to emphasize in his 1st SONA.


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